Bézier curves
— TypeBezierSegment
A type to capture a Bezier segment. With $n$ points, a Beziér segment of degree $n-1$ is stored. On the Euclidean manifold, this yields a polynomial of degree $n-1$.
This type is mainly used to encapsulate the points within a composite Bezier curve, which consist of an AbstractVector
of BezierSegments
where each of the points might be a nested array on a PowerManifold
Not that this can also be used to represent tangent vectors on the control points of a segment.
See also: de_casteljau
Given an abstract vector of pts
generate the corresponding Bézier segment.
— Methodde_casteljau(M::AbstractManifold, b::BezierSegment NTuple{N,P}) -> Function
return the Bézier curve $β(⋅;b_0,…,b_n): [0,1] → \mathcal M$ defined by the control points $b_0,…,b_n∈\mathcal M$, $n∈\mathbb N$, as a BezierSegment
. This function implements de Casteljau's algorithm[Casteljau1959][Casteljau1963] gneralized to manifolds[PopielNoakes2007]: Let $γ_{a,b}(t)$ denote the shortest geodesic connecting $a,b∈\mathcal M$. Then the curve is defined by the recursion
\[\begin{aligned} β(t;b_0,b_1) &= \gamma_{b_0,b_1}(t)\\ β(t;b_0,…,b_n) &= \gamma_{β(t;b_0,…,b_{n-1}), β(t;b_1,…,b_n)}(t), \end{aligned}\]
and P
is the type of a point on the Manifold
de_casteljau(M::AbstractManifold, B::AbstractVector{<:BezierSegment}) -> Function
Given a vector of Bézier segments, i.e. a vector of control points $B=\bigl( (b_{0,0},…,b_{n_0,0}),…,(b_{0,m},… b_{n_m,m}) \bigr)$, where the different segments might be of different degree(s) $n_0,…,n_m$. The resulting composite Bézier curve $c_B:[0,m] → \mathcal M$ consists of $m$ segments which are Bézier curves.
\[c_B(t) := \begin{cases} β(t; b_{0,0},…,b_{n_0,0}) & \text{ if } t ∈[0,1]\\ β(t-i; b_{0,i},…,b_{n_i,i}) & \text{ if } t∈(i,i+1], \quad i∈\{1,…,m-1\}. \end{cases}\]
de_casteljau(M::AbstractManifold, b::BezierSegment, t::Real)
de_casteljau(M::AbstractManifold, B::AbstractVector{<:BezierSegment}, t::Real)
de_casteljau(M::AbstractManifold, b::BezierSegment, T::AbstractVector) -> AbstractVector
) -> AbstractVector
Evaluate the Bézier curve at time t
or at times t
in T
— Methodget_bezier_degree(M::AbstractManifold, b::BezierSegment)
return the degree of the Bézier curve represented by the tuple b
of control points on the manifold M
, i.e. the number of points minus 1.
— Methodget_bezier_degrees(M::AbstractManifold, B::AbstractVector{<:BezierSegment})
return the degrees of the components of a composite Bézier curve represented by tuples in B
containing points on the manifold M
— Methodget_bezier_inner_points(M::AbstractManifold, B::AbstractVector{<:BezierSegment} )
get_bezier_inner_points(M::AbstractManifold, b::BezierSegment)
returns the inner (i.e. despite start and end) points of the segments of the composite Bézier curve specified by the control points B
. For a single segment b
, its inner points are returned
— Methodget_bezier_junction_tangent_vectors(M::AbstractManifold, B::AbstractVector{<:BezierSegment})
get_bezier_junction_tangent_vectors(M::AbstractManifold, b::BezierSegment)
returns the tangent vectors at start and end points of the composite Bézier curve pointing from a junction point to the first and last inner control points for each segment of the composite Bezier curve specified by the control points B
, either a vector of segments of controlpoints.
— Functionget_bezier_junctions(M::AbstractManifold, B::AbstractVector{<:BezierSegment})
get_bezier_junctions(M::AbstractManifold, b::BezierSegment)
returns the start and end point(s) of the segments of the composite Bézier curve specified by the control points B
. For just one segment b
, its start and end points are returned.
— Functionget_bezier_points(
get_bezier_points(M::AbstractManifold, b::BezierSegment, reduce::Symbol=:default)
returns the control points of the segments of the composite Bézier curve specified by the control points B
, either a vector of segments of controlpoints or a.
This method reduces the points depending on the optional reduce
– no reduction is performed:continuous
– for a continuous function, the junction points are doubled at $b_{0,i}=b_{n_{i-1},i-1}$, so only $b_{0,i}$ is in the vector.:differentiable
– for a differentiable function additionally $\log_{b_{0,i}}b_{1,i} = -\log_{b_{n_{i-1},i-1}}b_{n_{i-1}-1,i-1}$ holds. hence $b_{n_{i-1}-1,i-1}$ is ommited.
If only one segment is given, all points of b
– i.e. b.pts
is returned.
— Methodget_bezier_segments(M::AbstractManifold, c::AbstractArray{P}, d[, s::Symbol=:default])
returns the array of BezierSegment
s B
of a composite Bézier curve reconstructed from an array c
of points on the manifold M
and an array of degrees d
There are a few (reduced) representations that can get extended; see also get_bezier_points
. For ease of the following, let $c=(c_1,…,c_k)$ and $d=(d_1,…,d_m)$, where $m$ denotes the number of components the composite Bézier curve consists of. Then
– $k = m + \sum_{i=1}^m d_i$ since each component requires one point more than its degree. The points are then ordered in tuples, i.e.\[B = \bigl[ [c_1,…,c_{d_1+1}], (c_{d_1+2},…,c_{d_1+d_2+2}],…, [c_{k-m+1+d_m},…,c_{k}] \bigr]\]
– $k = 1+ \sum_{i=1}{m} d_i$, since for a continuous curve start and end point of successive components are the same, so the very first start point and the end points are stored.\[B = \bigl[ [c_1,…,c_{d_1+1}], [c_{d_1+1},…,c_{d_1+d_2+1}],…, [c_{k-1+d_m},…,b_{k}) \bigr]\]
– for a differentiable function additionally to the last explanation, also the second point of any segment was not stored except for the first segment. Hence $k = 2 - m + \sum_{i=1}{m} d_i$ and at a junction point $b_n$ with its given prior point $c_{n-1}$, i.e. this is the last inner point of a segment, the first inner point in the next segment the junction is computed as $b = \exp_{c_n}(-\log_{c_n} c_{n-1})$ such that the assumed differentiability holds
- Casteljau1959
de Casteljau, P.: Outillage methodes calcul, Enveloppe Soleau 40.040 (1959), Institute National de la Propriété Industrielle, Paris.
- Casteljau1963
de Casteljau, P.: Courbes et surfaces à pôles, Microfiche P 4147-1, André Citroën Automobile SA, Paris, (1963).
- PopielNoakes2007
Popiel, T. and Noakes, L.: Bézier curves and $C^2$ interpolation in Riemannian manifolds. Journal of Approximation Theory (2007), 148(2), pp. 111–127.- doi: 10.1016/j.jat.2007.03.002.