Cost Functions
The following cost functions are available
— MethodcostIntrICTV12(M, f, u, v, α, β)
Compute the intrinsic infimal convolution model, where the addition is replaced by a mid point approach and the two functions involved are costTV2
and costTV
. The model reads
\[E(u,v) = \frac{1}{2}\sum_{i ∈ \mathcal G} d_{\mathcal M}\bigl(g(\frac{1}{2},v_i,w_i),f_i\bigr) +\alpha\bigl( β\mathrm{TV}(v) + (1-β)\mathrm{TV}_2(w) \bigr).\]
— MethodcostL2TV(M, f, α, x)
compute the $ℓ^2$-TV functional on the PowerManifold manifold
Mfor given (fixed) data
M), a nonnegative weight
α, and evaluated at
M`), i.e.
\[E(x) = d_{\mathcal M}^2(f,x) + \alpha \operatorname{TV}(x)\]
See also
— MethodcostL2TV2(M, f, β, x)
compute the $ℓ^2$-TV2 functional on the PowerManifold
manifold M
for given data f
, nonnegative parameter β
, and evaluated at x
, i.e.
\[E(x) = d_{\mathcal M}^2(f,x) + β\operatorname{TV}_2(x)\]
See also
— MethodcostL2TVTV2(M, f, α, β, x)
compute the $ℓ^2$-TV-TV2 functional on the PowerManifold
manifold M
for given (fixed) data f
(on M
), nonnegative weight α
, β
, and evaluated at x
(on M
), i.e.
\[E(x) = d_{\mathcal M}^2(f,x) + \alpha\operatorname{TV}(x) + β\operatorname{TV}_2(x)\]
See also
— FunctioncostTV(M,x [,p=2,q=1])
Compute the $\operatorname{TV}^p$ functional for data x
on the PowerManifold
manifold M
, i.e. $\mathcal M = \mathcal N^n$, where $n ∈ \mathbb N^k$ denotes the dimensions of the data x
. Let $\mathcal I_i$ denote the forward neighbors, i.e. with $\mathcal G$ as all indices from $\mathbf{1} ∈ \mathbb N^k$ to $n$ we have $\mathcal I_i = \{i+e_j, j=1,…,k\}\cap \mathcal G$. The formula reads
\[E^q(x) = \sum_{i ∈ \mathcal G} \bigl( \sum_{j ∈ \mathcal I_i} d^p_{\mathcal M}(x_i,x_j) \bigr)^{q/p}.\]
See also
— MethodcostTV(M, x, p)
Compute the $\operatorname{TV}^p$ functional for a tuple pT
of pointss on a Manifold M
, i.e.
\[E(x_1,x_2) = d_{\mathcal M}^p(x_1,x_2), \quad x_1,x_2 ∈ \mathcal M\]
See also
— FunctioncostTV2(M,x [,p=1])
compute the $\operatorname{TV}_2^p$ functional for data x
on the PowerManifold
manifoldmanifold M
, i.e. $\mathcal M = \mathcal N^n$, where $n ∈ \mathbb N^k$ denotes the dimensions of the data x
. Let $\mathcal I_i^{\pm}$ denote the forward and backward neighbors, respectively, i.e. with $\mathcal G$ as all indices from $\mathbf{1} ∈ \mathbb N^k$ to $n$ we have $\mathcal I^\pm_i = \{i\pm e_j, j=1,…,k\}\cap \mathcal I$. The formula then reads
\[E(x) = \sum_{i ∈ \mathcal I,\ j_1 ∈ \mathcal I^+_i,\ j_2 ∈ \mathcal I^-_i} d^p_{\mathcal M}(c_i(x_{j_1},x_{j_2}), x_i),\]
where $c_i(⋅,⋅)$ denotes the mid point between its two arguments that is nearest to $x_i$.
See also
— MethodcostTV2(M,(x1,x2,x3) [,p=1])
Compute the $\operatorname{TV}_2^p$ functional for the 3-tuple of points (x1,x2,x3)
on the Manifold M
. Denote by
\[ \mathcal C = \bigl\{ c ∈ \mathcal M \ |\ g(\tfrac{1}{2};x_1,x_3) \text{ for some geodesic }g\bigr\}\]
the set of mid points between $x_1$ and $x_3$. Then the function reads
\[d_2^p(x_1,x_2,x_3) = \min_{c ∈ \mathcal C} d_{\mathcal M}(c,x_2).\]
See also
— Methodcost_L2_acceleration_bezier(M,B,pts,λ,d)
compute the value of the discrete Acceleration of the composite Bezier curve together with a data term, i.e.
\[\frac{λ}{2}\sum_{i=0}^{N} d_{\mathcal M}(d_i, c_B(i))^2+ \sum_{i=1}^{N-1}\frac{d^2_2 [ B(t_{i-1}), B(t_{i}), B(t_{i+1})]}{\Delta_t^3}\]
where for this formula the pts
along the curve are equispaced and denoted by $t_i$ and $d_2$ refers to the second order absolute difference costTV2
(squared), the junction points are denoted by $p_i$, and to each $p_i$ corresponds one data item in the manifold points given in d
. For details on the acceleration approximation, see cost_acceleration_bezier
. Note that the Beziér-curve is given in reduces form as a point on a PowerManifold
, together with the degrees
of the segments and assuming a differentiable curve, the segments can internally be reconstructed.
See also
, cost_acceleration_bezier
, grad_acceleration_bezier
— Methodcost_acceleration_bezier(
) where {P}
compute the value of the discrete Acceleration of the composite Bezier curve
\[\sum_{i=1}^{N-1}\frac{d^2_2 [ B(t_{i-1}), B(t_{i}), B(t_{i+1})]}{\Delta_t^3}\]
where for this formula the pts
along the curve are equispaced and denoted by $t_i$, $i=1,…,N$, and $d_2$ refers to the second order absolute difference costTV2
(squared). Note that the Beziér-curve is given in reduces form as a point on a PowerManifold
, together with the degrees
of the segments and assuming a differentiable curve, the segments can internally be reconstructed.
This acceleration discretization was introduced in[BergmannGousenbourger2018].
See also
, cost_L2_acceleration_bezier
, grad_L2_acceleration_bezier
- BergmannGousenbourger2018
Bergmann, R. and Gousenbourger, P.-Y.: A variational model for data fitting on manifolds by minimizing the acceleration of a Bézier curve. Frontiers in Applied Mathematics and Statistics (2018). doi 10.3389/fams.2018.00059, arXiv: 1807.10090