Debug Output

Debug output can easily be added to any solver run. On the high level interfaces, like gradient_descent, you can just use the debug= keyword.


A DebugAction is a small functor to print/issue debug output. The usual call is given by (p,o,i) -> s that performs the debug based on a Problem p, Options o and the current iterate i.

By convention i=0 is interpreted as "For Initialization only", i.e. only debug info that prints initialization reacts, i<0 triggers updates of variables internally but does not trigger any output. Finally typemin(Int) is used to indicate a call from stop_solver! that returns true afterwards.

Fields (assumed by subtypes to exist)

  • print method to perform the actual print. Can for example be set to a file export,

or to @info. The default is the print function on the default Base.stdout.


debug for the amount of change of the iterate (stored in get_iterate(o) of the Options) during the last iteration. See DebugEntryChange for the general case

Keyword Parameters

  • storage – (StoreOptionsAction( (:Iterate,) )) – (eventually shared) the storage of the previous action
  • prefix – ("Last Change:") prefix of the debug output (ignored if you set format)
  • io – (stdout) default steream to print the debug to.
  • format - ( "$prefix %f") format to print the output using an sprintf format.
  • manifold (DefaultManifold(1)) manifold whose default inverse retraction should be used for approximating the distance.
  • invretr - (default_inverse_retraction_method(manifold)) the inverse retraction to be used for approximating distance.
DebugCost <: DebugAction

print the current cost function value, see get_cost.




  • format - ("$prefix %f") format to print the output using sprintf and a prefix (see long).
  • io – (stdout) default steream to print the debug to.
  • long - (false) short form to set the format to F(x): (default) or current cost: and the cost
DebugDivider <: DebugAction

print a small divider (default " | ").


DebugEntry <: RecordAction

print a certain fields entry of type {T} during the iterates, where a format can be specified how to print the entry.

Addidtional Fields

  • field – Symbol the entry can be accessed with within Options


DebugEntry(f[, prefix="$f:", format = "$prefix %s", io=stdout])
DebugEntryChange{T} <: DebugAction

print a certain entries change during iterates

Additional Fields

  • print – (print) function to print the result
  • prefix – ("Change of :Iterate") prefix to the print out
  • format – ("$prefix %e") format to print (uses the `prefix by default and scientific notation)
  • field – Symbol the field can be accessed with within Options
  • distance – function (p,o,x1,x2) to compute the change/distance between two values of the entry
  • storage – a StoreOptionsAction to store the previous value of :f



Keyword arguments

  • io (stdout) an IOStream
  • prefix ("Change of $f")
  • storage (StoreOptionsAction((f,))) a StoreOptionsAction
  • initial_value an initial value for the change of o.field.
  • format – ("$prefix %e") format to print the change
DebugEvery <: DebugAction

evaluate and print debug only every $i$th iteration. Otherwise no print is performed. Whether internal variables are updates is determined by alwaysUpdate.

This method does not perform any print itself but relies on it's childrens print.


debug for the amount of change of the gradient (stored in get_gradient(o) of the Options o) during the last iteration. See DebugEntryChange for the general case

Keyword Parameters

  • storage – (StoreOptionsAction( (:Gradient,) )) – (eventually shared) the storage of the previous action
  • prefix – ("Last Change:") prefix of the debug output (ignored if you set format)
  • io – (stdout) default steream to print the debug to.
  • format - ( "$prefix %f") format to print the output using an sprintf format.
DebugGroup <: DebugAction

group a set of DebugActions into one action, where the internal prints are removed by default and the resulting strings are concatenated



construct a group consisting of an Array of DebugActions g, that are evaluated en bloque; the method does not perform any print itself, but relies on the internal prints. It still concatenates the result and returns the complete string

DebugIterate <: DebugAction

debug for the current iterate (stored in get_iterate(o)).




  • io – (stdout) default steream to print the debug to.
  • long::Bool whether to print x: or current iterate
DebugIteration <: DebugAction



Keyword parameters

  • format - ("# %-6d") format to print the output using an sprintf format.
  • io – (stdout) default steream to print the debug to.

debug for the current iteration (prefixed with # by )

DebugOptions <: Options

The debug options append to any options a debug functionality, i.e. they act as a decorator pattern. Internally a Dictionary is kept that stores a DebugAction for several occasions using a Symbol as reference. The default occasion is :All and for example solvers join this field with :Start, :Step and :Stop at the beginning, every iteration or the end of the algorithm, respectively

The original options can still be accessed using the get_options function.

Fields (defaults in brackets)

  • options – the options that are extended by debug information
  • debugDictionary – a Dict{Symbol,DebugAction} to keep track of Debug for different actions



construct debug decorated options, where dD can be

  • a DebugAction, then it is stored within the dictionary at :All
  • an Array of DebugActions, then it is stored as a debugDictionary within :All.
  • a Dict{Symbol,DebugAction}.
  • an Array of Symbols, String and an Int for the DebugFactory
DebugStoppingCriterion <: DebugAction

print the Reason provided by the stopping criterion. Usually this should be empty, unless the algorithm stops.


Measure time and print the intervals. Using start=true you can start the timer on construction, for example to measure the runtime of an algorithm overall (adding)

The measured time is rounded using the given time_accuracy and printed after canonicalization.

Keyword Parameters

  • prefix – ("Last Change:") prefix of the debug output (ignored if you set format)
  • io – (stdout) default steream to print the debug to.
  • format - ( "$prefix %s") format to print the output using an sprintf format, where %s is the canonicalized time`.
  • mode – (:cumulative) whether to display the total time or reset on every call using :iterative.
  • start – (false) indicate whether to start the timer on creation or not. Otherwise it might only be started on firsr call.
  • time_accuracy – (Millisecond(1)) round the time to this period before printing the canonicalized time
DebugWarnIfCostIncreases <: DebugAction

print a warning if the cost increases.

Note that this provides an additional warning for gradient descent with its default constant step size.


DebugWarnIfCostIncreases(warn=:Once; tol=1e-13)

Initialize the warning to warning level (:Once) and introduce a tolerance for the test of 1e-13.

The warn level can be set to :Once to only warn the first time the cost increases, to :Always to report an increase every time it happens, and it can be set to :No to deactivate the warning, then this DebugAction is inactive. All other symbols are handled as if they were :Always:

DebugWarnIfCostNotFinite <: DebugAction

A debug to see when a field (value or array within the Options is or contains values that are not finite, for example Inf or Nan.


DebugWarnIfCostNotFinite(field::Symbol, warn=:Once)

Initialize the warning to warn :Once.

This can be set to :Once to only warn the first time the cost is Nan. It can also be set to :No to deactivate the warning, but this makes this Action also useless. All other symbols are handled as if they were :Always:

DebugWarnIfFieldNotFinite <: DebugAction

A debug to see when a field from the options is not finite, for example Inf or Nan


DebugWarnIfFieldNotFinite(field::Symbol, warn=:Once)

Initialize the warning to warn :Once.

This can be set to :Once to only warn the first time the cost is Nan. It can also be set to :No to deactivate the warning, but this makes this Action also useless. All other symbols are handled as if they were :Always:



Creates a [DebugAction] to track whether the gradient does not get Nan or Inf.


create a DebugAction where

  • a Stringyields the correspoinding divider
  • a DebugAction is passed through
  • a [Symbol] creates DebugEntry of that symbol, with the exceptions of :Change, :Iterate, :Iteration, and :Cost.
  • a Tuple{Symbol,String} creates a DebugEntry of that symbol where the String specifies the format.

Convert certain Symbols in the debug=[ ... ] vector to DebugActions Currently the following ones are done. Note that the Shortcut symbols should all start with a capital letter.

any other symbol creates a DebugEntry(s) to print the entry (o.:s) from the options.


Convert certain Symbols in the debug=[ ... ] vector to DebugActions Currently the following ones are done, where the string in t[2] is passed as the format the corresponding debug. Note that the Shortcut symbols t[1] should all start with a capital letter.

any other symbol creates a DebugEntry(s) to print the entry (o.:s) from the options.


given an array of Symbols, Strings DebugActions and Ints

  • The symbol :Stop creates an entry of to display the stopping criterion at the end (:Stop => DebugStoppingCriterion()), for further symbols see DebugActionFactory
  • Tuples of a symbol and a string can be used to also specify a format, see DebugActionFactory
  • any string creates a DebugDivider
  • any DebugAction is directly included
  • an Integer kintroduces that debug is only printed every kth iteration

Return value

This function returns a dictionary with an entry :All containing one general DebugAction, possibly a DebugGroup of entries. It might contain an entry :Start, :Step, :Stop with an action (each) to specify what to do at the start, after a step or at the end of an Algorithm, respectively. On all three occastions the :All action is exectued. Note that only the :Stop entry is actually filled when specifying the :Stop symbol.


The array

[:Iterate, " | ", :Cost, :Stop, 10]

Adds a group to :All of three actions (DebugIteration, DebugDivider with " | " to display, DebugCost) as a DebugGroup inside an DebugEvery to only be executed every 10th iteration. It also adds the DebugStoppingCriterion to the :Stop entry of the dictionary.


Technical Details: The Debug Solver

The decorator to print debug during the iterations can be activated by decorating the Options with DebugOptions and implementing your own DebugActions. For example printing a gradient from the GradientDescentOptions is automatically available, as explained in the gradient_descent solver.

initialize_solver!(p::Problem, o::DebugOptions)

Initialize the solver to the optimization Problem by initializing all values in the DebugOptionso.

Since debug acts as a decorator this also calls the initialize_solver! of the correpsonding internally stored options

step_solver!(p::Problem, o::DebugOptions, i)

Do one iteration step (the `i`th) for [`Problem`](@ref)` p` by modifying

the values in the Optionso.options and print the debug specified


determine whether the solver for Problem p and the DebugOptions o should stop at iteration i by calling the function corresponding to the internally stored Options. If so, print debug from :All and :Stop.
