A problem usually contains its cost function and provides an implementation to access the cost
— TypeProblem{T<:AbstractEvaluationType}
Describe the problem that should be optimized by stating all properties, that do not change during an optimization or that are dependent of a certain solver.
The parameter T
can be used to distinguish problems with different representations or implementations. The default parameter AllocatingEvaluation
, which might be slower but easier to use. The usually faster parameter value is MutatingEvaluation
See Options
for the changing and solver dependent properties.
— Functionget_cost(P::Problem, p)
evaluate the cost function F
stored within a Problem
at the point p
A problem can be of different type, more specifically, whether its containing functions, for example to compute the gradient, work with allocation or without it. To be precise, an allocation function X = gradF(x)
allocates memory for its result X
, while gradF!(X,x)
does not.
— TypeAbstractEvaluationType
An abstract type to specify the kind of evaluation a Problem
— TypeAllocatingEvaluation <: AbstractEvaluationType
A parameter for a Problem
indicating that the problem uses functions that allocate memory for their result, i.e. they work out of place.
— TypeMutatingEvaluation
A parameter for a Problem
indicating that the problem uses functions that do not allocate memory but work on their input, i.e. in place.
Cost based problem
— TypeCostProblem{T, Manifold, TCost} <: Problem{T}
speficy a problem for solvers just based on cost functions, i.e. gradient free ones.
– a manifold $\mathcal M$cost
– a function $F: \mathcal M → ℝ$ to minimize
CostProblem(M, cost; evaluation=AllocatingEvaluation())
Generate a problem. While this Problem does not have any allocating functions, the type T
can be set for consistency reasons with other problems.
See also
Gradient based problem
— TypeAbstractGradientProblem{T<:AbstractEvaluationType} <: Problem{T}
An abstract type for all functions that provide a (full) gradient, where T
is a AbstractEvaluationType
for the gradient function.
— TypeGradientProblem{T<:AbstractEvaluationType} <: AbstractGradientProblem{T}
specify a problem for gradient based algorithms.
– a manifold $\mathcal M$cost
– a function $F: \mathcal M → ℝ$ to minimizegradient!!
– the gradient $\operatorname{grad}F:\mathcal M → \mathcal T\mathcal M$ of the cost function $F$.
Depending on the AbstractEvaluationType
the gradient has to be provided
- as a function
x -> X
that allocates memory forX
itself for anAllocatingEvaluation
- as a function
(X,x) -> X
that work in place ofX
for anMutatingEvaluation
GradientProblem(M, cost, gradient; evaluation=AllocatingEvaluation())
See also
— TypeStochasticGradientProblem <: Problem
A stochastic gradient problem consists of
- a
Manifold M
- a(n optional) cost function ``f(x) = \displaystyle\sum{i=1}^n fi(x)
- an array of gradients, i.e. a function that returns and array or an array of functions
$\{\operatorname{grad}f_i\}_{i=1}^n$, where both variants can be given in the allocating variant and the array of function may also be provided as mutating functions (X,x) -> X
StochasticGradientProblem(M::AbstractManifold, gradF::Function;
cost=Missing(), evaluation=AllocatingEvaluation()
StochasticGradientProblem(M::AbstractManifold, gradF::AbstractVector{<:Function};
cost=Missing(), evaluation=AllocatingEvaluation()
Create a Stochastic gradient problem with an optional cost
and the gradient either as one function (returning an array) or a vector of functions.
— Functionget_gradient(O::Options)
return the (last stored) gradient within Options
. By default also undecorates the options beforehand
get_gradient!(p::AbstractGradientProblem{T}, X, x)
evaluate the gradient of a AbstractGradientProblem{T}
at the point x
The evaluation is done in place of X
for the !
-variant. The T=
problem might still allocate memory within. When the non-mutating variant is called with a T=
memory for the result is allocated.
get_gradient(p::StochasticGradientProblem, k, x)
get_gradient!(p::StochasticGradientProblem, Y, k, x)
Evaluate one of the summands gradients $\operatorname{grad}f_k$, $k∈\{1,…,n\}$, at x
(in place of Y
Note that for the MutatingEvaluation
based problem and a single function for the stochastic gradient mutating variant is not available, since it would require too many allocations.
get_gradient(P::AlternatingGradientProblem, x)
get_gradient!(P::AlternatingGradientProblem, Y, x)
Evaluate all summands gradients at a point x
on the ProductManifold M
(in place of Y
get_gradient(p::AlternatingGradientProblem, k, x)
get_gradient!(p::AlternatingGradientProblem, Y, k, x)
Evaluate one of the component gradients $\operatorname{grad}f_k$, $k∈\{1,…,n\}$, at x
(in place of Y
— Functionget_gradients(P::StochasticGradientProblem, x)
get_gradients!(P::StochasticGradientProblem, Y, x)
Evaluate all summands gradients $\{\operatorname{grad}f_i\}_{i=1}^n$ at x
(in place of Y
Note that for the MutatingEvaluation
based problem and a single function for the stochastic gradient, the allocating variant is not available.
Subgradient based problem
— TypeSubGradientProblem <: Problem
A structure to store information about a subgradient based optimization problem
– a Manifoldcost
– the function $F$ to be minimizedsubgradient
– a function returning a subgradient $\partial F$ of $F$
SubGradientProblem(M, f, ∂f)
Generate the [Problem
] for a subgradient problem, i.e. a function f
on the manifold M
and a function ∂f
that returns an element from the subdifferential at a point.
— Functionget_subgradient(p, q)
get_subgradient!(p, X, q)
Evaluate the (sub)gradient of a SubGradientProblem
at the point q
The evaluation is done in place of X
for the !
-variant. The T=
problem might still allocate memory within. When the non-mutating variant is called with a T=
memory for the result is allocated.
Constrained based problem
— TypeConstrainedProblem{T, Manifold} <: AbstractGradientProblem{T}
Describes the constrained problem
\[\begin{aligned} \operatorname*{arg\,min}_{p ∈\mathcal{M}} & f(p)\\ \text{subject to } &g_i(p)\leq0 \quad \text{ for all } i=1,…,m,\\ \quad &h_j(p)=0 \quad \text{ for all } j=1,…,n. \end{aligned}\]
It consists of
- an
AbstractManifold M
- an cost function $f(p)$
- the gradient of $f$, $\operatorname{grad}f(p)$ (cf.
) - inequality constraints $g(p)$, either a function
returning a vector or a vector[g1, g2,...,gm]
of functions. - equality constraints $h(p)$, either a function
returning a vector or a vector[h1, h2,...,hn]
of functions. - gradient(s) of the inequality constraints $\operatorname{grad}g(p) ∈ (T_p\mathcal M)^m$, either a function or a vector of functions.
- gradient(s) of the equality constraints $\operatorname{grad}h(p) ∈ (T_p\mathcal M)^n$, either a function or a vector of functions.
There are two ways to specify the constraints $g$ and $h$.
- as one
returning a vector in $\mathbb R^m$ and $\mathbb R^n$ respecively. This might be easier to implement but requires evaluating all constraints even if only one is needed. - as a
where each function returns a real number. This requires each constrant to be implemented as a single function, but it is possible to evaluate also only a single constraint.
The gradients $\operatorname{grad}g$, $\operatorname{grad}h$ have to follow the same form. Additionally they can be implemented as in-place functions or as allocating ones. The gradient $\operatorname{grad}F$ has to be the same kind. This difference is indicated by the evaluation
ConstrainedProblem(M::AbstractManifold, F, gradF, G, gradG, H, gradH;
Where F, G, H
describe the cost, inequality and equality constraints as described above and gradF, gradG, gradH
are the corresponding gradient functions in one of the 4 formats. If the problem does not have inequality constraints, you can set G
and gradG
no nothing
. If the problem does not have equality constraints, you can set H
and gradH
no nothing
or leave them out.
ConstrainedProblem(M::AbstractManifold, F, gradF;
G=nothing, gradG=nothing, H=nothing, gradH=nothing;
A keyword argument variant of the constructor above, where you can leave out either G
and gradG
or H
and gradH
but not both.
— TypeFunctionConstraint <: ConstraintType
A type to indicate that constraints are implemented one whole functions, e.g. $g(p) ∈ \mathbb R^m$.
— TypeVectorConstraint <: ConstraintType
A type to indicate that constraints are implemented a vector of functions, e.g. $g_i(p) ∈ \mathbb R, i=1,…,m$.
— TypeConstraintType
An abstract type to represent different forms of representing constraints
— Functionget_constraints(P::ConstrainedProblem, p)
Return the vector $(g_1(p),...g_m(p),h_1(p),...,h_n(p))$ from the ConstrainedProblem
containing the values of all constraints at p
— Functionget_equality_constraint(P::ConstrainedProblem, p, j)
evaluate the j
th equality constraint $(h(p))_j$ or $h_j(p)$.
For the FunctionConstraint
representation this still evaluates all constraints.
— Functionget_equality_constraints(P::ConstrainedProblem, p)
evaluate all equality constraints $h(p)$ of $\bigl(h_1(p), h_2(p),\ldots,h_p(p)\bigr)$ of the ConstrainedProblem
$P$ at $p$.
— Functionget_grad_equality_constraint(P, p, j)
evaluate the gradient of the j
th equality constraint $(\operatorname{grad} h(p))_j$ or $\operatorname{grad} h_j(x)$.
For the FunctionConstraint
variant of the problem, this function still evaluates the full gradient. For the MutatingEvaluation
and FunctionConstraint
of the problem, this function currently also calls get_equality_constraints
, since this is the only way to determine the number of cconstraints. It also allocates a full tangent vector.
— Functionget_grad_equality_constraint!(P, X, p, j)
Evaluate the gradient of the j
th equality constraint $(\operatorname{grad} h(x))_j$ or $\operatorname{grad} h_j(x)$ in place of $X$
For the FunctionConstraint
variant of the problem, this function still evaluates the full gradient. For the MutatingEvaluation
of the FunctionConstraint
of the problem, this function currently also calls get_inequality_constraints
, since this is the only way to determine the number of cconstraints and allocates a full vector of tangent vectors
— Functionget_grad_equality_constraints(P, p)
eevaluate all gradients of the equality constraints $\operatorname{grad} h(x)$ or $\bigl(\operatorname{grad} h_1(x), \operatorname{grad} h_2(x),\ldots, \operatorname{grad}h_n(x)\bigr)$ of the ConstrainedProblem
at p
for the MutatingEvaluation
and FunctionConstraint
variant of the problem, this function currently also calls get_equality_constraints
, since this is the only way to determine the number of cconstraints.
— Functionget_grad_equality_constraints!(P, X, p)
evaluate all gradients of the equality constraints $\operatorname{grad} h(p)$ or $\bigl(\operatorname{grad} h_1(p), \operatorname{grad} h_2(p),\ldots,\operatorname{grad} h_n(p)\bigr)$ of the ConstrainedProblem
$P$ at $p$ in place of X
, which is a vector of
` tangent vectors.
— Functionget_inequality_constraint(P::ConstrainedProblem, p, i)
evaluate one equality constraint $(g(p))_i$ or $g_i(p)$.
For the FunctionConstraint
representation this still evaluates all constraints.
— Functionget_inequality_constraints(P::ConstrainedProblem, p)
Evaluate all inequality constraints $g(p)$ or $\bigl(g_1(p), g_2(p),\ldots,g_m(p)\bigr)$ of the ConstrainedProblem
$P$ at $p$.
— Functionget_grad_inequality_constraint(P, p, i)
Evaluate the gradient of the i
th inequality constraints $(\operatorname{grad} g(x))_i$ or $\operatorname{grad} g_i(x)$.
For the FunctionConstraint
variant of the problem, this function still evaluates the full gradient. For the MutatingEvaluation
and FunctionConstraint
of the problem, this function currently also calls get_inequality_constraints
, since this is the only way to determine the number of cconstraints.
— Functionget_grad_inequality_constraint!(P, X, p, i)
Evaluate the gradient of the i
th inequality constraints $(\operatorname{grad} g(x))_i$ or $\operatorname{grad} g_i(x)$ of the ConstrainedProblem
in place of $X$
For the FunctionConstraint
variant of the problem, this function still evaluates the full gradient. For the MutatingEvaluation
and FunctionConstraint
of the problem, this function currently also calls get_inequality_constraints
since this is the only way to determine the number of cconstraints. evaluate all gradients of the inequality constraints $\operatorname{grad} h(x)$ or $\bigl(g_1(x), g_2(x),\ldots,g_m(x)\bigr)$ of the ConstrainedProblem
$p$ at $x$ in place of X
, which is a vector of
` tangent vectors .
— Functionget_grad_inequality_constraints(P, p)
evaluate all gradients of the inequality constraints $\operatorname{grad} g(p)$ or $\bigl(\operatorname{grad} g_1(p), \operatorname{grad} g_2(p),…,\operatorname{grad} g_m(p)\bigr)$ of the ConstrainedProblem
$P$ at $p$.
for the MutatingEvaluation
and FunctionConstraint
variant of the problem, this function currently also calls get_equality_constraints
, since this is the only way to determine the number of cconstraints.
— Functionget_grad_inequality_constraints!(P, X, p)
evaluate all gradients of the inequality constraints $\operatorname{grad} g(x)$ or $\bigl(\operatorname{grad} g_1(x), \operatorname{grad} g_2(x),\ldots,\operatorname{grad} g_m(x)\bigr)$ of the ConstrainedProblem
at p
in place of X
, which is a vector of $m$ tangent vectors.
Proximal Map(s) based problem
— TypeProximalProblem <: Problem
specify a problem for solvers based on the evaluation of proximal map(s).
- a Riemannian manifoldcost
- a function $F:\mathcal M→ℝ$ to minimizeproxes
- proximal maps $\operatorname{prox}_{λ\varphi}:\mathcal M→\mathcal M$ as functions (λ,x) -> y, i.e. the prox parameter λ also belongs to the signature of the proximal map.number_of_proxes
- (length(proxes)) number of proximal Maps, e.g. if one of the maps is a combined one such that the proximal Maps functions return more than one entry per function
See also
— Functionget_proximal_map(p,λ,x,i)
evaluate the i
th proximal map of ProximalProblem p
at the point x
of p.M
with parameter $λ>0$.
Hessian based problem
— TypeHessianProblem <: Problem
specify a problem for hessian based algorithms.
: a manifold $\mathcal M$cost
: a function $F:\mathcal M→ℝ$ to minimizegradient
: the gradient $\operatorname{grad}F:\mathcal M → \mathcal T\mathcal M$ of the cost function $F$hessian
: the hessian $\operatorname{Hess}F(x)[⋅]: \mathcal T_{x} \mathcal M → \mathcal T_{x} \mathcal M$ of the cost function $F$precon
: the symmetric, positive definite preconditioner (approximation of the inverse of the Hessian of $F$)
See also
— Functionget_hessian(p::HessianProblem{T}, q, X)
get_hessian!(p::HessianProblem{T}, Y, q, X)
evaluate the Hessian of a HessianProblem
at the point q
applied to a tangent vector X
, i.e. $\operatorname{Hess}f(q)[X]$.
The evaluation is done in place of Y
for the !
-variant. The T=
problem might still allocate memory within. When the non-mutating variant is called with a T=
memory for the result is allocated.
— Functionget_preconditioner(p,x,ξ)
evaluate the symmetric, positive definite preconditioner (approximation of the inverse of the Hessian of the cost function F
) of a HessianProblem
at the point x
applied to a tangent vector ξ
Primal dual based problem
— TypeAbstractPrimalDualProblem{T<:AbstractEvaluationType} <: Problem{T}
An abstract type for primal-dual-based problems.
— TypePrimalDualProblem {T, mT <: AbstractManifold, nT <: AbstractManifold} <: AbstractPrimalDualProblem
Describes a Problem for the linearized or exact Chambolle-Pock algorithm.[BergmannHerzogSilvaLouzeiroTenbrinckVidalNunez2020][ChambollePock2011]
All fields with !! can either be mutating or nonmutating functions, which should be set depenting on the parameter T <: AbstractEvaluationType
– two manifolds $\mathcal M$, $\mathcal N$cost
$F + G(Λ(⋅))$ to evaluate interims cost function valueslinearized_forward_operator!!
linearized operator for the forward operation in the algorithm $DΛ$linearized_adjoint_operator!!
The adjoint differential $(DΛ)^* : \mathcal N → T\mathcal M$prox_F!!
the proximal map belonging to $f$prox_G_dual!!
the proximal map belonging to $g_n^*$Λ!!
– (fordward_operator
) the forward operator (if given) $Λ: \mathcal M → \mathcal N$
Either $DΛ$ (for the linearized) or $Λ$ are required usually.
LinearizedPrimalDualProblem(M, N, cost, prox_F, prox_G_dual, adjoint_linearized_operator;
The last optional argument can be used to provide the 4 or 5 functions as allocating or mutating (in place computation) ones. Note that the first argument is always the manifold under consideration, the mutated one is the second.
— TypePrimalDualSemismoothNewtonProblem {T <: AbstractEvaluationType,mT <: AbstractManifold, nT <: AbstractManifold} <: AbstractPrimalDualProblem{T}
Describes a Problem for the Primal-dual Riemannian semismooth Newton algorithm. [DiepeveenLellmann2021]
– two manifolds $\mathcal M$, $\mathcal N$cost
$F + G(Λ(⋅))$ to evaluate interims cost function valueslinearized_operator
the linearization $DΛ(⋅)[⋅]$ of the operator $Λ(⋅)$.linearized_adjoint_operator
The adjoint differential $(DΛ)^* \colon \mathcal N \to T\mathcal M$prox_F
the proximal map belonging to $f$diff_prox_F
the (Clarke Generalized) differential of the proximal maps of $F$prox_G_dual
the proximal map belonging to $g_n^*$diff_prox_dual_G
the (Clarke Generalized) differential of the proximal maps of $G^\ast_n$Λ
– the exact forward operator. This operator is required ifΛ(m)=n
does not hold.
PrimalDualSemismoothNewtonProblem(M, N, cost, prox_F, prox_G_dual, forward_operator, adjoint_linearized_operator,Λ)
— Functiony = get_primal_prox(p::AbstractPrimalDualProblem, σ, x)
get_primal_prox!(p::AbstractPrimalDualProblem, y, σ, x)
Evaluate the proximal map of $F$ stored within AbstractPrimalDualProblem
which can also be computed in place of y
— Functiony = get_dual_prox(p::AbstractPrimalDualProblem, n, τ, ξ)
get_dual_prox!(p::AbstractPrimalDualProblem, y, n, τ, ξ)
Evaluate the proximal map of $G_n^*$ stored within AbstractPrimalDualProblem
which can also be computed in place of y
— Functiony = forward_operator(p::AbstractPrimalDualProblem, x)
forward_operator!(p::AbstractPrimalDualProblem, y, x)
Evaluate the forward operator of $Λ(x)$ stored within the AbstractPrimalDualProblem
(in place of y
— FunctionY = linearized_forward_operator(p::AbstractPrimalDualProblem, m X, n)
linearized_forward_operator!(p::AbstractPrimalDualProblem, Y, m, X, n)
Evaluate the linearized operator (differential) $DΛ(m)[X]$ stored within the AbstractPrimalDualProblem
(in place of Y
), where n = Λ(m)
— FunctionX = adjoint_linearized_operator(p::AbstractPrimalDualProblem, m, n, Y)
adjoint_linearized_operator(p::AbstractPrimalDualProblem, X, m, n, Y)
Evaluate the adjoint of the linearized forward operator of $(DΛ(m))^*[Y]$ stored within the AbstractPrimalDualProblem
(in place of X
). Since $Y∈T_n\mathcal N$, both $m$ and $n=Λ(m)$ are necessary arguments, mainly because the forward operator $Λ$ might be missing
in p
— Functiony = get_differential_primal_prox(p::PrimalDualSemismoothNewtonProblem, σ, x)
get_differential_primal_prox!(p::PrimalDualSemismoothNewtonProblem, y, σ, x)
Evaluate the differential proximal map of $F$ stored within PrimalDualSemismoothNewtonProblem
which can also be computed in place of y
— Functiony = get_differential_dual_prox(p::PrimalDualSemismoothNewtonProblem, n, τ, ξ, Ξ)
get_differential_dual_prox!(p::PrimalDualSemismoothNewtonProblem, y, n, τ, ξ, Ξ)
Evaluate the differential proximal map of $G_n^*$ stored within PrimalDualSemismoothNewtonProblem
which can also be computed in place of y
Nonlinear least squares problem
— TypeNonlinearLeastSquaresProblem{T<:AbstractEvaluationType} <: Problem{T}
A type for nonlinear least squares problems. T
is a AbstractEvaluationType
for the F
and Jacobian functions.
Specify a nonlinear least squares problem
– a manifold $\mathcal M$F
– a function $F: \mathcal M → ℝ^d$ to minimizejacF!!
– Jacobian of the function $F$jacB
– the basis of tangent space used for computing the Jacobian.num_components
– number of values returned byF
(equal tod
Depending on the AbstractEvaluationType
the function $F$ has to be provided:
- as a functions
(M::AbstractManifold, p) -> v
that allocates memory forv
itself for anAllocatingEvaluation
, - as a function
(M::AbstractManifold, v, p) -> v
that works in place ofv
for aMutatingEvaluation
Also the Jacobian $jacF!!$ is required:
- as a functions
(M::AbstractManifold, p; basis_domain::AbstractBasis) -> v
that allocates memory forv
itself for anAllocatingEvaluation
, - as a function
(M::AbstractManifold, v, p; basis_domain::AbstractBasis) -> v
that works in place ofv
for anMutatingEvaluation
NonlinearLeastSquaresProblem(M, F, jacF, num_components; evaluation=AllocatingEvaluation(), jacB=DefaultOrthonormalBasis())
See also
- BergmannHerzogSilvaLouzeiroTenbrinckVidalNunez2020
R. Bergmann, R. Herzog, M. Silva Louzeiro, D. Tenbrinck, J. Vidal-Núñez: Fenchel Duality Theory and a Primal-Dual Algorithm on Riemannian Manifolds, Foundations of Computational Mathematics, 2021. doi: 10.1007/s10208-020-09486-5 arXiv: 1908.02022
- ChambollePock2011
A. Chambolle, T. Pock: A first-order primal-dual algorithm for convex problems with applications to imaging, Journal of Mathematical Imaging and Vision 40(1), 120–145, 2011. doi: 10.1007/s10851-010-0251-1
- DiepeveenLellmann2021
W. Diepeveen, J. Lellmann: An Inexact Semismooth Newton Method on Riemannian Manifolds with Application to Duality-Based Total Variation Denoising, SIAM Journal on Imaging Sciences, 2021. doi: 10.1137/21M1398513