Frank Wolfe Method

Frank_Wolfe_method(M, F, grad_F, p)

Perform the Frank-Wolfe algorithm to compute for $\mathcal C \subset \mathcal M$

\[ \operatorname*{arg\,min}_{p∈\mathcal C} f(p)\]

Where the main step is a constrained optimisation is within the algorithm, that is the sub problem (Oracle)

\[ q_k = \operatorname{arg\,min}_{q \in C} ⟨\operatorname{grad} F(p_k), \log_{p_k}q⟩.\]

for every iterate $p_k$ together with a stepsize $s_k≤1$, by default $s_k = \frac{2}{k+2}$.

The next iterate is then given by $p_{k+1} = γ_{p_k,q_k}(s_k)$, where by default $γ$ is the shortest geodesic between the two points but can also be changed to use a retraction and its inverse.

Keyword Arguments

all further keywords are passed down to decorate_options, e.g. debug.


the obtained (approximate) minimizer $x^*$, see get_solver_return for details



FrankWolfeOptions <: Options

A struct to store the current state of the Frank_Wolfe_method

It comes in two forms, depending on the realisation of the subproblem.


  • p – the current iterate, i.e. a point on the manifold
  • X – the current gradient $\operatorname{grad} F(p)$, i.e. a tangent vector to p.
  • evalulation AllocatingEvaluation specify the type if it is a function.
  • inverse_retraction_method – (default_inverse_retraction_method(M)) an inverse retraction method to use within Frank Wolfe.
  • subtask – a type representing the subtask (see below).
  • stop – (StopAfterIteration(200) |StopWhenGradientNormLess(1.0e-6)) a StoppingCriterion
  • stepsize - (DecreasingStepsize(; length=2.0, shift=2)) $s_k$ which by default is set to $s_k = \frac{2}{k+2}$.
  • retraction_method – (default_retraction_method(M)) a retraction to use within Frank-Wolfe

For the subtask, we need a method to solve

\[ \operatorname*{argmin}_{q∈\mathcal M} ⟨X, \log_p q⟩,\qquad \text{ where }X=\operatorname{grad} f(p)\]

where currently two variants are supported

  1. subtask(M, q, X, p) is a mutating function, i.e. we have a closed form solution of the optimization problem given M, X and p which is computed in place of q, which even works correctly, if we pass the same memory to p and q.
  2. subtask::Tuple{<:Problem,<:Options} specifies a plan to solve the subtask with a subsolver, i.e. the cost within subtask[1] is a FrankWolfeCost using references to pand X, that is to the current iterate and gradient internally. Similarly for gradient based functions using the FrankWolfeGradient.


FrankWolfeOptions(M, p, X, subtask)

where the remaining fields from above are keyword arguments with their defaults already given in brackets.



For the inner sub-problem you can easily create the corresponding cost and gradient using


A structure to represent the oracle sub problem in the Frank_Wolfe_method. The cost function reads

\[F(q) = ⟨X, \log_p q⟩\]

The values pand X are stored within this functor and hsould be references to the iterate and gradient from within FrankWolfeOptions.
