Convex bundle method

convex_bundle_method(M, f, ∂f, p)

perform a convex bundle method $p_{j+1} = \mathrm{retr}(p_k, -g_k)$, where $\mathrm{retr}$ is a retraction and

\[g_k = \sum_{j\in J_k} λ_j^k \mathrm{P}_{p_k←q_j}X_{q_j},\]

$p_k$ is the last serious iterate, $X_{q_j} ∈ ∂f(q_j)$, and the $λ_j^k$ are solutions to the quadratic subproblem provided by the convex_bundle_method_subsolver.

Though the subdifferential might be set valued, the argument ∂f should always return one element from the subdifferential, but not necessarily deterministic.

For more details, see [BHJ24].


  • M: a manifold $\mathcal M$
  • f: a cost function $f:\mathcal M→ℝ$ to minimize
  • ∂f: the subgradient $∂f: \mathcal M → T\mathcal M$ of f restricted to always only returning one value/element from the subdifferential. This function can be passed as an allocation function (M, p) -> X or a mutating function (M, X, p) -> X, see evaluation.
  • p: (rand(M)) an initial value $p_0 ∈ \mathcal M$


  • atol_λ: (eps()) tolerance parameter for the convex coefficients in λ.
  • atol_errors: (eps()) tolerance parameter for the linearization errors.
  • m: (1e-3) the parameter to test the decrease of the cost: $f(q_{k+1}) \le f(p_k) + m \xi$.
  • diameter: (50.0) estimate for the diameter of the level set of the objective function at the starting point.
  • domain: ((M, p) -> isfinite(f(M, p))) a function to that evaluates to true when the current candidate is in the domain of the objective f, and false otherwise, for example domain = (M, p) -> p ∈ dom f(M, p) ? true : false.
  • k_max: upper bound on the sectional curvature of the manifold.
  • evaluation: (AllocatingEvaluation) specify whether the subgradient works by allocation (default) form ∂f(M, q) or InplaceEvaluation in place, that is of the form ∂f!(M, X, p).
  • inverse_retraction_method: (default_inverse_retraction_method(M, typeof(p))) an inverse retraction method to use
  • retraction_method: (default_retraction_method(M, typeof(p))) a retraction(M, p, X) to use.
  • stopping_criterion: (StopWhenLagrangeMultiplierLess(1e-8; names=["-ξ"])) a functor, see StoppingCriterion, indicating when to stop
  • vector_transport_method: (default_vector_transport_method(M, typeof(p))) a vector transport method to use
  • sub_problem: a function evaluating with new allocations that solves the sub problem on M given the last serious iterate p_last_serious, the linearization errors linearization_errors, and the transported subgradients transported_subgradients


the obtained (approximate) minimizer $p^*$, see get_solver_return for details

convex_bundle_method!(M, f, ∂f, p)

perform a bundle method $p_{j+1} = \mathrm{retr}(p_k, -g_k)$ in place of p.


  • M: a manifold $\mathcal M$
  • f: a cost function $f:\mathcal M→ℝ$ to minimize
  • ∂f: the (sub)gradient $∂f:\mathcal M→ T\mathcal M$ of F restricted to always only returning one value/element from the subdifferential. This function can be passed as an allocation function (M, p) -> X or a mutating function (M, X, p) -> X, see evaluation.
  • p: an initial value $p_0=p ∈ \mathcal M$

for more details and all optional parameters, see convex_bundle_method.



ConvexBundleMethodState <: AbstractManoptSolverState

Stores option values for a convex_bundle_method solver.


  • atol_λ: (eps()) tolerance parameter for the convex coefficients in λ
  • atol_errors: (eps()) tolerance parameter for the linearization errors
  • bundle: bundle that collects each iterate with the computed subgradient at the iterate
  • bundle_cap: (25) the maximal number of elements the bundle is allowed to remember
  • diameter: (50.0) estimate for the diameter of the level set of the objective function at the starting point
  • domain: ((M, p) -> isfinite(f(M, p))) a function to that evaluates to true when the current candidate is in the domain of the objective f, and false otherwise, for example domain = (M, p) -> p ∈ dom f(M, p) ? true : false
  • g: descent direction
  • inverse_retraction_method: the inverse retraction to use within
  • k_max: upper bound on the sectional curvature of the manifold
  • linearization_errors: linearization errors at the last serious step
  • m: (1e-3) the parameter to test the decrease of the cost: $f(q_{k+1}) \le f(p_k) + m \xi$.
  • p: current candidate point
  • p_last_serious: last serious iterate
  • retraction_method: the retraction to use within
  • stop: a StoppingCriterion
  • transported_subgradients: subgradients of the bundle that are transported to p_last_serious
  • vector_transport_method: the vector transport method to use within
  • X: (zero_vector(M, p)) the current element from the possible subgradients at p that was last evaluated.
  • stepsize: (ConstantStepsize(M)) a Stepsize
  • ε: convex combination of the linearization errors
  • λ: convex coefficients that solve the subproblem
  • ξ: the stopping parameter given by $ξ = -\lvert g\rvert^2 – ε$
  • sub_problem: ([convex_bundle_method_subsolver]) a function that solves the sub problem on M given the last serious iterate p_last_serious, the linearization errors linearization_errors, and the transported subgradients transported_subgradients,
  • sub_state: an AbstractManoptSolverState for the subsolver


ConvexBundleMethodState(M::AbstractManifold, p; kwargs...)

with keywords for all fields with defaults besides p_last_serious which obtains the same type as p. You can use for example X= to specify the type of tangent vector to use


Stopping criteria

StopWhenLagrangeMultiplierLess <: StoppingCriterion

Stopping Criteria for Lagrange multipliers.

Currently these are meant for the convex_bundle_method and proximal_bundle_method, where based on the Lagrange multipliers an approximate (sub)gradient $g$ and an error estimate $ε$ is computed.

The mode=:both requires that both $ε$ and $\lvert g \rvert$ are smaller than their tolerances for the convex_bundle_method, and that $c$ and $\lvert d \rvert$ are smaller than their tolerances for the proximal_bundle_method.

The mode=:estimate requires that, for the convex_bundle_method $-ξ = \lvert g \rvert^2 + ε$ is less than a given tolerance. For the proximal_bundle_method, the equation reads $-ν = μ \lvert d \rvert^2 + c$.


StopWhenLagrangeMultiplierLess(tolerance=1e-6; mode::Symbol=:estimate, names=nothing)

Create the stopping criterion for one of the modes mentioned. Note that tolerance can be a single number for the :estimate case, but a vector of two values is required for the :both mode. Here the first entry specifies the tolerance for $ε$ ($c$), the second the tolerance for $\lvert g \rvert$ ($\lvert d \rvert$), respectively.


Debug functions

DebugWarnIfLagrangeMultiplierIncreases <: DebugAction

print a warning if the Lagrange parameter based value $-ξ$ of the bundle method increases.


DebugWarnIfLagrangeMultiplierIncreases(warn=:Once; tol=1e2)

Initialize the warning to warning level (:Once) and introduce a tolerance for the test of 1e2.

The warn level can be set to :Once to only warn the first time the cost increases, to :Always to report an increase every time it happens, and it can be set to :No to deactivate the warning, then this DebugAction is inactive. All other symbols are handled as if they were :Always:


Helpers and internal functions

λ = convex_bundle_method_subsolver(M, p_last_serious, linearization_errors, transported_subgradients)
convex_bundle_method_subsolver!(M, λ, p_last_serious, linearization_errors, transported_subgradients)

solver for the subproblem of the convex bundle method at the last serious iterate $p_k$ given the current linearization errors $c_j^k$, and transported subgradients $\mathrm{P}_{p_k←q_j} X_{q_j}$.

The computation can also be done in-place of λ.

The subproblem for the convex bundle method is

\[\begin{align*} \operatorname*{arg\,min}_{λ ∈ ℝ^{\lvert J_k\rvert}}& \frac{1}{2} \Bigl\lVert \sum_{j ∈ J_k} λ_j \mathrm{P}_{p_k←q_j} X_{q_j} \Bigr\rVert^2 + \sum_{j ∈ J_k} λ_j \, c_j^k \\ \text{s. t.}\quad & \sum_{j ∈ J_k} λ_j = 1, \quad λ_j ≥ 0 \quad \text{for all } j ∈ J_k, \end{align*}\]

where $J_k = \{j ∈ J_{k-1} \ | \ λ_j > 0\} \cup \{k\}$. See [BHJ24] for more details


A default subsolver based on RipQP.jl and QuadraticModels is available if these two packages are loaded.

DomainBackTrackingStepsize <: Stepsize

Implement a backtrack as long as we are $q = \operatorname{retr}_p(X)$ yields a point closer to $p$ than $\lVert X \rVert_p$ or $q$ is not on the domain. For the domain this step size requires a ConvexBundleMethodState



R. Bergmann, R. Herzog and H. Jasa. The Riemannian Convex Bundle Method, preprint (2024), arXiv:2402.13670.